6 Little Signs He's Falling For You Hard
If you’ve been seeing someone or are in a relationship and you want to know if he’s starting to fall in love with you, here are some of the telltale signs…
He Initiates Contact With You
When a guy starts falling in love, he begins thinking about the woman he loves a lot…
Because of this, he might end up contacting you, out of the blue, about absolutely nothing.
This might be a text saying, “What are you up to?”
It could be him telling you about something he’s doing.
It could just be something he saw that reminded you of him.
If he’s contacting you about nothing, there’s a good chance he’s starting to fall in love.
He Expresses His Love to You
This probably won’t be him saying, “I love you.” At least, not at first.
He could express his love in a bunch of different ways…
There’s a good book on this called, “The Five Love Languages” that I recommend.
But really quickly… they are…
Touching you, complimenting you, giving you gifts, doing things for you, or trying to spend quality time with you.
These are acts of love and he’ll start doing some of these for you.
He Defends You
From a biological standpoint, men want to protect the women they love. If he’s falling in love with you, he’ll want to become that masculine force in your life.
And he may do things like protect you, which is a masculine characteristic.
If he tries to protect you, defend you, or take your side even when it doesn’t even make any sense, these are all good signs of that.
He Wants You to Meet His Friends and Family
When a guy falls in love with a woman, he’ll want her to meet the people he holds close to his heart.
If he doesn’t do this, that’s a red flag. He should want you to meet his friends and family and he should want to meet yours.
That’s normal love.
He Supports You
A man who’s in love will pay attention to a woman’s thoughts, feelings, and dreams.
He’ll encourage you to feel better and support you in what you’re doing in your life, even if and especially if they’re outside of the relationship.
Jealousy and over-protection isn’t love. Wanting someone to be their best selves is.
He Hints at a Future With You
If he’s falling in love with you, he’ll begin to fantasize about being together with you in the future…
And he’ll start to make hints at that future and trying to get you to be involved in it. He’ll try to gauge your interest in that future.
If a man gives you these signals, he’s falling in love with you.
The Secret Words That Make His Heart Yours
Today I want to give you some words that you can tell your man that will make him want to give you the relationship you’ve always dreamed he’d have with you…
These words form something I call a “Love Frame” that make a man feel like it’s his mission in life to treat you like a queen.
If you’re struggling to get your man to “step up” and give you the romance you’ve always wanted, you need to watch this video right now…
These words will work on him even if…
…your man is losing interest or is taking you for granted…
…he's told you that he "isn't ready" or is emotionally unavailable…
…or you feel like you've already tried everything…
Because once you use these simple phrases on him…
You’ll change the way that he sees you so that he FEELS like you're the perfect woman for him…
A woman that he wants to pursue, fight for, and be with from now until the end of time…
P.S. Try out these seemingly innocent yet strangely powerful words on the man in your life and seem how quickly things change with him…
Making him feel more love for you, more of a connection to you, and more of a desire to please you than he’s ever felt for anyone before in his life.
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