10 Ways To Use Your Superpower To Attract (And Keep) A Masculine Man

I’ve been a matchmaker for nearly a decade, which has given me a unique insight into the psyche of men. I understand how they think, feel and operate – and most of all, what they’re attracted to.  

I’ve discovered that there’s one particular quality ALL men respond to in a VERY BIG WAY – like moths to a flame.

And that’s femininity.

If you want to understand how to attract the kind of masculine man you want, you need to understand that femininity IS your superpower!

It’ll attract and hold his attention like nothing else. And yet, most women don’t understand how to use femininity to their advantage.

In fact, this generation of women is more masculine than ever.

For the first time in history, we have careers, we make a good living, and have a myriad of financial and lifestyle freedoms (it’s about freaking time).

To succeed in the business world, we lead with our masculine side.

We’re independent and capable.

Our outfits are businesslike, neutral and hide our curves – how many lawyers do you know who litigate in little pink dresses?

To command respect, we are forceful, direct, unemotional and strong.

We’re leaders. We’re goal oriented, focused, and we get sh*t done!

We’ve grown accustomed to sending curt emails, offering firm handshakes and doing everything ourselves (we rarely ask for help).

This serves us well at work, but these masculine qualities don’t translate when dating. In fact, successful women often have a particularly difficult time attracting and dating quality men.  

The very thing that makes you successful in business may make it harder for you to date!

So what should you do? How can you tap into your feminine superpower to attract the kind of masculine man you want?

You must connect (or reconnect) with your softer side – the side you’ve lost touch with or maybe even forgotten you had.  When you connect with your feminine energy, you’ll become irresistible!


Because feminine allure is a powerful thing, and masculine men (the kind you want to meet) are VERY attracted to it – without exception. The way men respond to femininity is universal and timeless – in fact, it’s in their DNA.

So what can you do?

Here are 10 ways you can let your girly side shine (while still being strong, capable and uniquely you)

1. Dress like a girl!  Go for the color – pink, purple, red – have fun with it. And wear dresses! If you don’t wear make-up, go to the local makeup counter and get a makeup lesson. I want you to walk into your dates feeling hot, with a spring in your step!

2. Let him lead.  What a relief to have someone else make the decisions and do all the work. Let him choose the restaurant, select the table, pay the bill, and get you an Uber or walk you to your car. Thank him for his generosity and for being a gentleman. Enjoy his efforts and learn how to receive.

3. Make him feel like a priority.  I know you’re super busy at work and have a full social calendar, but please make him feel like he’s a priority. Commitment-ready men get frustrated when you seem unavailable. When you make time for him, you make him feel special.

4. Show him your softer side.  Sure you’re intense and focused at work, but what about your playful, relaxed and easy-going side? Let him see that side of you! Enjoy that side of yourself too!

5. Let him be your hero.  I know you’re independent and extremely capable, but let him help you. If he offers to pick you up before your date, say “yes”. If he wants to carry your bag or open your door, tell him you really appreciate it. Men love to do things for you, so let him feel like your hero.

6. Flirt. Make eye contact and give him a coy smile. Tease him a little bit. Be playful and silly!

7. Adore him.  Tell him what you love about him, and say positive things about him in front of others.  

8. Be nurturing (and feed him).  Bake him cookies or cook him dinner (or order in if you don’t cook). Even if you’re a busy professional, slow down and take the time to make him feel special and appreciated. There’s something so true about the saying, ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’. It’s not that hard to make him happy. Just feed him!

9. Let him pursue you.  Don’t chase him. Let him court you – call you, ask you out, come up with a plan, pick you up and pay. Respond enthusiastically and give him lots of positive feedback and appreciation (but still let him do the work).  His effort will show you his level of interest. If he doesn’t try, he’s not the guy.

10. Wait to have sex.  Just because he asks, it doesn’t mean you have to say “yes”. A commitment-minded man who’s genuinely interested in you will wait. Let him know you’re a little old fashioned and keep things rated PG13 until the two of you are exclusively dating. What’s the rush?
These 10 smart dating strategies will help you channel your feminine superpowers and, trust me, they’ll work like magic!

After all, who needs a cape when you’ve got a little red dress?

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