These 9 signs will tell you if he’s the right one on first date

Has everyone ever told you that first impressions matters? Well, it does, more than you think.

Most of us concentrate on our own behavior during the first date. We are careful not to make a fool of ourselves and we want to make a good first impression. So, it’s common to simply not pay attention to how our date is behaving and is he having a good time.
When the date is over you play it back in your head hoping you can remember some signs that can tell you is there going to be a second one? But as I have already said, you can’t seem to remember any.
Next time you go on a date, pay attention on these signs to be sure he is the right one. And if you read out all these signs from your date, you are on a good track because that man is the one you have been waiting for.

Smile can tell you everything you want to know about the person sitting next to you. It’s not hard to tell the difference between a forced “can’t wait for this to be over” grin and a nice, warm “I don’t want this to end” smile.

Believe me, if he looks at you and smiles at you sincerely the first time, he is the one who will smile at you for the rest of your lives.

I bet you’ve been on endless number of dates where he pretended to be what he’s actually not. He bragged, talked about his accomplishments which you aren’t even sure are true.

But this time, your date will be strait up honest with you. A person that is worth waiting will tell you everything about himself. The good things and the bad things which he is not ashamed of.

When that kind of man enters your life, don’t let him go – he is the right one.

You just know it! When you see him for the first time, you know he is the man you have been looking for your whole life.

The two of you are compatible and you can feel it. With each other you form a perfect circle. Together, you form a puzzle so perfect and unique.

These are the feelings you will get when you see him for the first time.

You and your date will have so much fun together and time will just fly by. You will have the feeling that you were talking for ten minutes instead of three hours.

This is the one undeniable sign you’ve found your other half. While with him, you will never be bored. He’s going to engage you and you won’t be needing anything else but him.

You will spend hours and hours together and always be asking for more. That’s true love.

This is also one of those creepy signs that you can’t explain with words. When you meet him for the first time, you get the feeling that you’ve already met him.

Not just that you’ve met him, but you’ve been with him. His moves and acts seem familiar to you. The expression on his face rings a bell. The whole experience feels like déjà vu.

If you felt a special bond between the two of you, so did he. He looks at you in a special way. His mouths are shut, but his eyes say more than enough.

He is not embarrassed to look directly at you because he knows how he feels and he wants you to know it as well.
Eyes can tell you everything you need to know, or to quote Paulo Coelho: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden; and like a mirror, they also reflect the person looking into them.”

Every love story begins with an attraction. It doesn’t have to be a physical one. Heck, he can be far from your standards and expectation and you still fall for him. Why?

Because the one thing that counts the most at the beginning is chemistry. That one little thing that draws you closer to him. That one thing that makes you think of him all the time.

If you have that, you have it all. It’s up to you to keep that chemistry alive later on.

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